Friday, September 19, 2008

Massage Therapy: Industry & Consumer Facts

Did you know?

According to the 2007 American Massage Therapy Association Consumer Survery; between August 2006 and June 2007, almost a quarter of adult Americans (24 percent) had a massage at least once in the last 12 months.

The AMTA also states that while the use of massage is growing, the reasons people are turning to massage therapy are also expanding. More and more people recognize it as an important element in their overall health and wellness.

• Almost one-third of adult Americans say they’ve used massage therapy at least one time for pain relief.

• Of the people who had at least one massage in the last five years, 30 percent report they did so for health conditions such as pain management, injury rehabilitation, migraine control, or overall wellness.

• Eight-seven percent agree that massage can be effective in reducing pain.

• Eighty-five percent agree that massage can be beneficial to health and wellness.

Please complete our poll!

This information was collected from the 2007 AMTA Consumer Survey.

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